Tuesday, December 28, 2010

NYE Appetizer Ready:

So you've had your NYE outfit planned for months, the e-vites are all out, you are slowly cleaning up your Christmas mess in preparation for the big event, when it hits you: WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO COOK? For vegans this question can sometimes be a bit trickier to navigate due finicky eaters and um, unsympathetic guests (haters). Check out this easy-peezy and delicious recipe we found courtesy of Chef Chloe, winner of Food Network's Cup Cake Wars, and vegan chef extraordinaire! This one is sure to please meat eaters and vegans alike. So neutral, you win, because who doesn't love french fries!?



* 1 large yam, peeled and cut into ¼ thick fries
* 2 tablespoons olive or canola oil
* 1 teaspoon sea salt
* 2 teaspoons Cajun seasoning



Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.

Toss yam sticks with oil, salt, and Cajun seasoning. Spread out evenly on a half sheet tray. If multiplying the recipe, use a separate sheet tray for each yam.

Bake for 15 minutes then flip fries with a spatula. Rotate pan and bake for another 10-15 minutes until nicely browned and crisp looking.

This is a recipe that is easy to make, sure to impress, and tastes deliciousssss. What are your go to recipes for holiday gatherings?



Anonymous said...
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Chavon said...

Looks tasty! I'm going to give these a try! Thanks!


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