Friday, December 10, 2010

She & Him & You:

Last nights performance by She & Him on the Conan O' Brien show had us gripping the edges of our couch cushions, not only for their unbelievable cover of a legendary classic (prompting Conan to say "That's how it's done!"), but also because of Zooey Deschanel's picture perfect holiday ready maxi dress! The holidays are quickly approaching, which means crash diets, dress shopping, and braving the warzone known as your local mall. Why not take a cue from Zooey (an avid vintage enthusiast)? Raid your closet (or local thrift shop), grab an inexpensive LBD, and embellish away! Sew on some sequins, wear a bib collar necklace, jeweled belt, sparkly jacket, or an elaborate headband. Since this is the one time and place this side of Studio 54 where you can get away with shining like a disco ball, don't be shy: MORE IS MORE! Of course, you can't forget to finish it off with a party ready handbag! Check out the clip from last nights show, fall under She & Him's charming spell, browse our party handbag section on and perfect your holiday ensemble! It's that easy!

- $52

Check out some more of our party favorites: HERE!




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