Thursday, July 8, 2010

Budget Friendly Beauty!

What every girls knows (but sometimes forgets) is that your best accessory is always with you, its your skin! Healthy skin can make or break you, but getting it sometimes feels like it could also break your piggy bank. Solution? A face mask made from something you most likely have sitting around your house! HONEY! The following recipe can be whipped up in a flash and works really well for all skin types.

This would be the perfect time to throw on your pajamas, get together a few of your best friends, and head into the kitchen. Don't worry, we'll wait.....


Rosewater Facial


Optional: 6 fresh rose petals
2 tbsps rosewater
1 tbsp natural yogurt, room temperature (not lowfat or non-fat)
1 tbsp runny honey (to get honey runny, you can warm it in a microwave for a few seconds).


Soak rose petals, then crush them in a bowl.
Add the rosewater, yogurt and honey.
Mix well and apply to the skin.
Leave on for 10 minutes.

Please post comments about (and photos of!) you trying this out or if you have your own go to facial recipe be sure to tell us all about it!



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